Saturday, December 13, 2008

2009 Prices and Ordering

At last, all 11 Huben introductions are available, including the highly requested Snowy Stella. Scroll to the end of this post for the two sources.

Vanilla Stella (Huben 09)

Vanilla Stella (Huben 09)

18 E Re 3, NearWhite Self, Dor Dip
Northern Continuous Rebloom. Starts 10 days after Stella De Oro. Very rapid increase.

$100 sf

Begin With A Bang (Huben 09)

Begin With A Bang (Huben 09)

34 EE 4.5, Red Blend, Dor Dip
Starts blooming a week before Stella De Oro, and blooms well into mid season. Extraordinary foliage.

$75 sf

Vanilla Gorilla (Huben 08)

Vanilla Gorilla (Huben 08)

44 M 8, Cream Self, Dor Dip Ufo
A striking, tall UFO with excellent branching and budcount.

$75 df

Snowy Stella (Huben 07)

Snowy Stella (Huben 07)

24 E Re 3.25, NearWhite Self, Dor Dip
Northern Continuous Rebloom. The whitest northern rebloomer, available at last! Very rapid increase.

$100 df

Ice Trumpets (Huben 07)

Ice Trumpets (Huben 07)

30 E 3.5, NearWhite Self, Dor Dip Emo
Resembles an Easter Lily: no other daylily like it. Excellent budcount, blooms high above foliage.

$40 df

Sunshine On Clouds (Huben 06)

Sunshine On Clouds (Huben 06)

26 E Re 4.25, Cream w'Pale Midrib, Dor Dip
Early Bud Builder. Brilliant pale cream, very long blooming. Breeds strong rebloomers.

$40 df

Kanai Sensei (Huben 06)

Kanai Sensei (Huben 06)

18 E Re 3, Melon Polychrome, Dor Dip Emo
Northern Continuous Rebloom. Very rapid increase, could be used as an edger.

$30 df

Twist Again (Huben 03)

Twist Again (Huben 03)

28 E Re 5, YellowGreen Self, Dor Dip Noc
Northern Continuous Rebloom. No other northern rebloomer has this color. Green holds in the sun.

$20 df

Delicate Lace (Huben 03)

Delicate Lace (Huben 03)

18 E Re 4, Cream Self, Dor Dip Fra Ext
Northern Continuous Rebloom. A rock garden daylily: small plant, large bloom. Very rapid increase.

$20 df

Flowers Of Sulphur (Huben 03)

Flowers Of Sulphur (Huben 03)

20 E Re 4.25, Yellow Self, Dor Dip Vfr Ext Emo
Northern Continuous Rebloom. A total self: even the throat is the same pure yellow.

$10 df

Early And Often (Huben 01)

Early And Often (Huben 01)

26 E Re 4, Peach Polychrome, Dor Dip Ext Fra Noc
Northern Continuous Rebloom. Starts 5 days after Stella De Oro. Very rapid increase. HM 2006.

$15 df

Complete Huben Collection)
All eleven introductions. A savings of $125.

$400 df

All of my varieties are now available through Harmon Hill Farm, run by Carl and Marlene Harmon. Please contact them to purchase, but feel free to contact me with questions about the introductions.

Harmon Hill Farm
Carl and Marlene Harmon
49 Ledge Rd.
Hudson, NH 03051
Phone:(603) 880-6228

Ellen Laprise, of Partridge Hill Gardens also has a limited supply of all of my introductions. She does ship international orders.

Partridge Hill Gardens
Ellen Laprise
23 Partridge Hill Road
Dudley, MA 01571
Phone: (508) 943-1885

Vanilla Stella (Huben 09)

20 E Re 3, NearWhite Self, Dor Dip
(seedling * Early And Often) * (Sunshine On Clouds * Early And Often)

Pronounced "vanELLA stella". My most exciting near-white rebloomer. It's not the whitest, though it's far from cream. It has a nice green throat, a voluptuous bagel form, ruffles, and three sets of scapes per year in my garden! This past year, Vanilla Stella bloomed continuously until frost in November in the Harmon's New Hampshire garden.

Bob Sobek and I are using Vanilla Stella heavily in our breeding: we each have hundreds of seedlings coming from it. It's a very rapid increaser that throws near white seedlings with great green throats. Presumably, it passes its rebloom when crossed appropriately: I'll know for sure next year. It's a great as a pod or pollen parent.

Here's a comparison with Stella De Oro that shows how under some conditions of light and temperature, Vanilla Stella can look more creamy than the catalog photo. Is that pale creaminess a fault? Not if you think pale cream to white is a desirable color in your garden. Vanilla Stella does have one minor fault: in my shady conditions, the scapes can lean. This doesn't seem to happen in sunnier gardens.

Begin With A Bang (Huben 09)

34 EE 4.5, Red Blend, Dor Dip
Ruffled Ivory * lilioasphodelus

What's that red Amaryllis doing in the daylily bed? In mid-June? Begin With A Bang is the first good red in my garden, and begins the growing season with some of the earliest dormant foliage to emerge. Beautiful gray-green bullets of foliage that scoff at late spring frosts. The foliage is erect, disease resistant, and stays beautiful until autumn frost.

I've always wanted to introduce this one, but it increased very slowly in my garden. When I finally put some into a good location in the Harmon garden, it increased very nicely.

Begin With A Bang has got some terrific qualities: it's a true EE, beginning a week before Stella De Oro. Its size and color are much better than any other red at its season. Don't you hate those brick colored reds? Begin With A Bang is a light red over a very pale yellow base. Both parents contributed to the color clarity. Where did the red come from? Well, Ruffled Ivory has a faint red overlay that I didn't notice until this kid alerted me. It's diamond dusted, sunfast and has a yellow-green throat. It always opens well in cool. weather, and looks great in a clump. 12 buds per scape, yet it blooms well into midseason.

If you'd like to breed for modern-looking EE reds, this is where I'd begin. I attribute many of the good qualities to its species parent, H. lilioasphodelus. The earliness, great foliage, good opening, and frost hardiness. Or if you're one of us who can't wait to get those first daylilies of the season, this one is for you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Extending The Blooming Season Parts 1 & 2 (Daylily Journal Articles)

Welcome to readers of The Daylily Journal and others!

More is Beautiful: Extending the Northern Bloom Season
Part 1: Earlies and Lates Daylily Journal Vol. 63 No. 3, Fall 2008, pp. 10-13
Part 2: Rebloomers and Bud Builders Daylily Journal Vol. 63 No. 4, Winter 2008, pp. 32-35

Due to page limitations, only some of the photos I had available were published. The full set of photos are grouped into five posts:
Bud Builders
One Time Rebloomers
Continual Rebloomers
Click on the photos to see them full size. You may reuse these photos for non-commercial purposes, but please give me credit.

Some may wonder why I picked these, out of the 50,000 registered varieties. There were a number of factors involved.

* First, I chose daylilies I was familiar with and have observed, grown, or photographed here in the northeast.

* I tried to minimize the number of yellow, old-fashioned daylilies listed, and just list a few of the best of them.

* I didn't want to exclude the Florida breeders, but I wanted to emphasize lesser-known breeders.

Finding some of these daylilies may be problematic Here are a few sources:

Harmon Hill Farm (Carl & Marlene Harmon) 49 Ledge Rd., Hudson, NH 03051 Ph. 603.880.6228

Partridge Hill Gardens (Ellen Laprise) 23 Partridge Hill Road, Dudley, MA 01571 Ph. (508) 943-1885

Greywood Farm (Darlyn Springer Wilkinson) 85 River Rd., Topsfield, MA 01983 Ph. 978.887.7620 Fax 978.887.7625

Crossview Gardens (Leila and Harold Cross) 1801 Lower Elmore Mountain Road Morrisville, VT 05661 802.888.2409

Tranquil Lake (Philip Boucher and Warren Leach) 45 River St., Rehoboth, MA 02769 Ph. 508.252.4002

Bloomingfields Farm (Lee Bristol) P O Box 5, Gaylordsville, Connecticut 06755 Ph. (860) 354-6951

Olallie Daylily Gardens (Chris Darrow) 129 Augur Hole Road, South Newfane, Vermont 05351 Ph. (802)-348 6614

Pin Hill Gardens (Henry & Sandy Lefkovits) 18 Depot Rd., Harvard, MA 01451 Ph. 978.456.8309

Greene Acre Sales (Steve Greene) 36 Elaine Rd., Sudbury, MA 01776 Ph. 508.433.8222

Saxton Gardens (Peter Saxton) 1 First Street (P.O. Box 1260), Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 12866 (518) 584-4697

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Early Daylilies

Blueberry Trumpets (Sobek 05) 36 E 4, Purple Self, Dor Dip

First Rose Of Summer (Sobek 05) 34 E 4, Pink Self, Dor Dip

*First Twilight (Stamile 05) 22 EE Re 5, Pink Polychrome, Dor Tet
(photo: Ellen Laprise)

Ice Trumpets (Huben 07) 30 E 3.5, NearWhite Self, Dor Dip Emo

In Strawberry Time (Sobek 95) 18 EE 3.25, Rose Blend, Dor Dip Noc Ext

H. lilioasphodelus (species nr) 36 EE 4, Yellow Self, Dor Dip

*Moonlit Masquerade (Salter 92) 26 EM Re 5.5, Cream w'Purple Eye, Sev Tet

*Orange Prelude (McEwan 74) 28 EE 6, Orange Self, Dor Tet Fra Ext

*Pinegarden Wendy Ann (Seaman 01)28 E Re 6, NearWhite Self, Dor Tet

*Prom Flower (Marvin 05) 28 EE Re 5.5, Violet w'Purple Eye, Dor Tet
(photo: Ellen Laprise)

*Pure And Simple (Salter 93) 28 EM Re 5.5, Orange Self, Sev Tet

Spring Storm (Guzinski 04) 31 E 4.75, Purple Self, Dor Dip

H. yezoensis (species nr) 36 EE 4, Yellow Self, Dor Dip

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Late Daylilies

*Apache War Dance (Thomas 94) 30 ML Re 4.5, Red w'Dark Eye, Dor Tet Fra Noc Ext

*August Cherry (Marvin 05) 28 L 5, Rose w'White Edge, Dor Tet

*Autumn Herald (Mercer 96) 22 VL 5, Lavender w'Lavender Eye, Dor Tet Fra

Autumn Oddity (Harwood 95) 28 VL 5, Yellow w'Pink Blush Dor Dip
(photo: Ellen Laprise)

Back To School (Sobek 03) 42 VL 4, Red Self, Dor Dip

*Bermuda Coral (Marvin 85) 45 VL 6.5, Coral Self, Dor Tet

Biding My Time (Sobek 07) 30 L 4, Melon Polychrome, Dor Dip

Carol Sing (Saxton 81) 36 L 5, Red Self, Dor Dip

Challenger (Stout 49) 48 M Re, Red Self, Evr Dip Ext

Crimson Finale (Hibbard 97) 24 VL 5.5, Red Self, Sev Dip

Flourish Of Trumpets (Sobek 98) 40 L 6, Yellow Self, Dor Dip

*Hazy August Sky (Marvin 04) 26 L 6, Lavender Blend, Dor Tet
(photo: Ellen Laprise)

Late Adagio (Bristol 04) 52 VL 5, Lavender Blend, Dor Dip

Late Summer Fling (Krupien 98) 54 VL 4.5, Yellow w'Pink Blend, Dor Dip

*Lime Frost (Stamile 90) 27 VL 5.75, Green Blend, Dor Tet Fra

*Lord Of Autumn (Marvin 04) 48 VL 8, Rose Blend, Dor Tet
(photo: Ellen Laprise)

*Pinhill Claret Symphony (Lef. 00) 45 VL 6.5, Orange W'Dark Eye, Dor Tet

*Sandra Elizabeth (Stevens 83) 28 VL 6, Yellow Self, Dor Tet

*September Blaze (Lachman 92) 20 VL 7, Pink Self, Dor Tet

Seventh Inning Stretch (Sobek 05) 33 VL 4, Red Self, Dor Dip

Suzy Cream Cheese (Bachman 01) 35 L 7, Peach Self, Dor Dip

The Jury's Out (Apps 00) 33 L Re 4.62, Yellow Self, Dor Dip Ext
(photo: Darrel Apps)

The Kind Of September (Sobek 06) 30 VL 5.25, Lemon Self, Dor Dip