Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Early And Often (Huben 01)

Early And Often (Huben 01) 26 E Re 4, Peach Polychrome, Dor Dip Ext Fra
(Sunny Honey * (Three Seasons * Tuscawilla Tranquility))
Honorable Mention award 2006

At last: a northern rebloomer that isn't yellow or gold. Blooms 9 weeks for me on three sets of scapes. The heart of my breeding program, producing a great diversity of seedlings, many of them rebloomers. Very rapid increase. Tested (in WV) and found highly rust resistant for two seasons.

Early And Often was my first introduction, and has lived up to its promise as a continuous rebloomer. Some growers report as many as seven sets of scapes per season. Unlike other diploid rebloomers, it is a color clarifier and readily gives up the melon tones in seedlings.

Another web page devoted to Early And Often has more details and photographs.

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