Monday, August 11, 2008


46 M 3.5, Purple Self, Dor Dip
Sobek 93.36 * Purple Sphere

This photo, with the sun shining through, is a little flattering: the actual color is a bit flatter with a very even velvety finish.  Branching an budcount are great, but the remarkable thing is how waxy and thrip resistant this one is.  I was watching the pale yellow thrips scurry all over the blooms all summer, but never saw any of the typical thrips damage: blotched petals, pimpled or distorted buds.  The buds are whitish and purple, with a waxy appearance, and the bracts on the scape also seem to resist desiccation and damage.  I'm crossing this one into my Red Spire derived lines and also with a number of others with white buds such as Forsyth White Buds and Central Park West.  The flowers open consistently perfectly.  This one has a rounder, more ruffled form than the Red Spire kids, and should improve them.  The scapes don't fall except when heavily loaded with pods.

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