Sunday, August 31, 2008

Welcome Globe readers and others!

Today the Boston Globe newspaper had a very good article about me and my hybridizing. It's at:

I generally don't sell daylilies except to daylily hybridizers and members of the NEDS and PDS daylily clubs. If you're interested in viewing or buying daylilies, let me point you to a list of local sources that I keep:
Favorite Links to Information, Nurseries, and Growers.

If you'd like to meet me or get into daylilies, the best thing to do would be to attend one of the New England Daylily Society (NEDS) meetings. The next meeting is October 4. I also highly recommend the Patriot Daylily Society (PDS), but I don't attend those meetings as frequently. Their next meeting is also October 4, but normally the meetings don't conflict.

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