Sunday, December 31, 2006


26 EM Re 4, Pink w' Faint Band, Dor Dip
Frequent Flier * (Millie Schlumf * Early And Often)

FUTURE INTRODUCTION. There is no other continuous rebloomer in this clear, light pink. It produces three sets of scapes in my garden. Good increase, great foliage, wavy ruffles, and color clarity that's startling in the garden. Only 9 buds, but that's as good as Stella De Oro.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...


What I like best about this one is that lovely, pale pink halo/eye as well as it's more open form. A definite possibility for my mini-SPUF program.

Needless to say, I want it! Bud count can be improved easy enough and this has some very nice genes for my pool of mini breeding stock.

Love it, love it, LOVE IT!